Etruscan Piracy AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: The Sea People Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: The Etruscans were famous s... Email this post to a friend! Message: Etruscan Piracy Author: - Camitlnas Tullius Date: Mar 14, 2000 23:52 Was there ever evidence that the Etruscans had a formal navy? I don't think they did, since I doubt if the Etruscan league would have cooperated to that extent. So their early dominance of the Tyrrhenian sea must have been the work of these "pirates". I think they would have had a defensive role as well as the usual looting and plundering of the vessels of other nations. I think the various Greek powers and the Phoenicians would have been no different in that manner. The original Pelasgians or sea people were probably the original pirates in the med, probably dating back to Minoan times. The name "pelasgian" is thought to be quite a general term used by greek writers to describe just about any ancient seafaring people. - Camitlnas Next: Etruscan Piracy - Velthur Valerius post ( Lauchum/ Translator - Camitlnas Tullius ) Previous: Etruscan piracy ( - Tuscus Sempronius )