Pirates AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: The Sea People Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: The Etruscans were famous s... Email this post to a friend! Message: Pirates Author: - Fabrisia Fabius Date: Mar 21, 1999 20:40 The Etruscans were a superb sea-faring power. They were bold and considered 'pirates' by the Greeks, however piracy was considered a profession. With all the wealth to be found in Etruria, why did they resort to piracy? Who were the pirates: the rich wanting to be richer? the poor? The fishermen built towers on the coastlines from which they could spot schools of fish, especially tuna. It appears that the Etruscans appeared from 'nowhere', already a mighty force. Next: Etruscan piracy ( - Tuscus Sempronius )