Burial mound,.... AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: Origins of the Etruscans Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: The origin of the Etruscans... Email this post to a friend! Message: Burial mound,.... Author: - Alfredo Lucretius Date: Aug 11, 1999 09:28 I've been a few years ago in the midland of Turkey, and saw there many (hundreds) tumulus (burial mound). Remembering the size and form, it does look very simular as the Etruscan tumulus. I seems that the Tumulus in Turkey are ten years older then the Etruscans. I couldn't find out if there is/was any close connection between these cultures, although they have been traveling around alot. I've even been asking in Turkey and in Italy, without any result. btw: the tumulus in Turkey were called "Tipi". Next: Tumulus tombs ( - Cornelia Cocceius ) Previous: show ( - Lilius Didius )