Contribute on Origins of the Etruscans. AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: Origins of the Etruscans Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: The origin of the Etruscans... Email this post to a friend! Message: Contribute on Origins of the Etruscans. Author: etruscan - Velthur Valerius Date: Jun 28, 2000 04:20 We know well that today the official etruscologia has made its the theory of the Pallottino that sees in the Etruscan people one technical-cultural evolution of ancient italiche people. We want however to give our personal contribution to the argument with critical spirit but not trying to make a reasoning various. In the 540 a.C. in the battle of the Sardinian sea that they see contrapposte the fleet focese (Greek) against those ally puniche-Etruscans the technological level of the 3 marinerie it is identical. The used ships are the pentecontore (ships to a single order of addles). In the 414 a.C. during I besiege atienese of Siracusa (war of the Peloponneso) an Etruscan shipment of 3 pentecontore giudata from the Etruscan pretore Velthur Spurinna places side by side Atene and its allies against eternal Siracusa avail again of the Etruschi. At a distance of 130 years the etruschi they had not made no progress in the technological evolution duffle-coat while all the Greek and punico world has gia in equipment triremi (the ships to 3 orders of addles). Why this? Not sure for economic means lack, the Etruria in fact in that time is territorial free and it does not have to face war expenses that later on avra in order to fight Rome. These are the known facts and hour we come to our reasoning. The Etruschi abandoning the Asia Minor with all the their technological baggage and insediandosi in the center the west of the italica peninsula forgiveness the contacts with the people orientals and remains outside from the technological evolution duffle-coat. Embracing the theses of the Pallottino it remains difficult to explain as alone they have developed to a technology duffle-coat until pentecontere when at the same time the other italici people did not possess battleships (see the Latins, the Roman, the From Liguria ones, the Piceni, etcetera). Why then has been stopped in the evolution duffle-coat risking the loss of the control of the Tyrrhenian sea? Lack of capacit " or volont "? Next: Re: Origins of the Etruscans ( Lauchum - Camitlnas Tullius ) Previous: More on numer 12 ( - Melisa Alexandros )