Message: EPPIA VOLUMNIS Author: - Eppia Volumnius Date: Jul 31, 2000 16:08 My name is Paola ,I'm 24 . I was born in a village of ancient etruria i.e. in asciano near Siena. The passion for my ancestor..THE ETRUSCAN..start when I was a child and developed in a more general interest in archeology and ancient history.So when I was 19 I started studing "conservazione dei beni culturali con indirizzo archeologico" that is more or less "ca' foscari" the university of Venezia.Now I'm writing my final dissertation on the architectural history of a pompeian house. So far I work in 3 excavations : S.Lorenzo di ammiana ( middle ages , on a small island in the venetian lagoon), Aquileia ( the imperial city , in a domus ), Sovana ( necrolpoli rupestre) QUE MAS? I love speaking spanish more than english since I have passed 4 months in valencia last year...I understand french...I 'm a bad english writer...I have a black cat ,BASTET... Nothing more...I'm not very see! Message: Gritti Fabius Author: Translator - Camitlnas Tullius, Patron Date: Jul 21, 2000 07:37 Translation of Gritti Fabius's post from " Scrivere in Italiano" =============================================== Salve to all, and thanks again for the chance to write in Italian. I have also written a lot of messages in English, but I also intend to send long articles which I find difficult to translate, since I do not have much time at my disposal. I love ancient history, above all Greek and Roman, but I also have the greatest curiosity about the Etruscans, for the mystery that surrounds their history. Lately I have read some interesting theories regarding the Etruscans ... I will write something next time. . I come from Brescia which is an hour from Nitra, in central Slovakia, and I work as a reader in the department of Italian Philology at the university of "Kostantin Filozof ". Bye all! Message: Rasnaphile Author: Bad Boy - Aulus Flaminius, Patron Date: Jul 14, 2000 14:58 I am the "bad boy" of the group. I was a student radical (soft) during my university years. I spent more time housing draft dodgers ( I am a Canadian ) than persuing my studies. I subsequently owned a health food business for a number of years. Now at 53 I have worked for quite a number of years in health care. I made it clear when joining Etruria that I am no scholar, my interests are entirely personal and I have found a wealth of resources here. The experience has been greatly rewarding. What has always fascinated me about the Rasna is their "joie de vivre" so evident in their art and daily life. No other race quite equals the Rasna in that. Smiling faces ( though contemporary Greek art is similar ) colour, flair. No austere duty bound Romans these. Like Maatibre Rasna art was what first attracted me to these fascinating folk. Message: Velthur Valerius Author: Lauchum - Camitlnas Tullius, Patron Date: Jul 4, 2000 17:28 ========== Translation ================= I am Velthur Valerius, In real life my name is Valerio, I am 53 years, Italian, born in Ancona (from the Greek Ancon which means elbow) founded in the 390 BCE by the Doric Greeks of Siracuse, but from the age of 30 years I have been living in Tarquinia of Ancient Etruria (Tuscany and Lazio of the north). I am married and have two grown-up sons. Professionally, my occupation is in the energy field. My main interest is the study and the research of ancient history of all peoples. Currently I am working for over 5 years on an immense project comprising chronology personages and events of all the known peoples (an integrated history) concerning Rome from 753 BCE (Ab Urbe Condita) up to 54 CE (the time of the emperor Claudius). I read English quite well but I write it poorly. In my youth I studied Latin for 4 years. My fascination for the Etruscans endures over their attention to detail over even the lesser tombs (tombs of poor people) with paintings up to 50 meters from where the tomb is located. One thing that never fails to amaze me: why this great nation failed to understand that only united they could have stopped Rome. One could say that the will of the Gods could not be changed: but that's another story.. Message: Myself? Author: - Melisa Alexandros Date: Jul 4, 2000 00:32 Who am I? Someone that wants to touch her own mistery by trying to unveil another mistery: etruscans at this time. I was born in Mexico, 35 years ago. I'm married with a scientist and TV meteorologist and have a 6 years old wonderful kid. I love words and languages. I make cultural journalism. My passion? Flamenco dancing and singing (cante) as a part of my spanish inheritance and as a living register of ancient cultures, ancient sounds, untemporary wisdom. I have traveled over certain languages feeling the anguish of time, touching their surfaces, feeling the beauty of their echoes: latin, ancient greek, nahuatl (the beautiful language of aztec people). Through spanish I had the gift of french, catalan and italian. I study modern greek and now I'm trying to think in English and write this introduction! What fascinates me about etruscans is that they are so close and at the same time so far, that they survive in so many of our customs and that we are not able to uncode their language in the same way that some times we are not able to remember our own dreams. Message: Stepping into the light... Author: - Epona Antonius Date: Jul 1, 2000 20:53 I hate self introductions and reckon I have been "lurking" for too long. That we are not to be involved in role play actually made it somewhat easier to come out of the shadows! I am single,an American, and have worked in the health care profession for years. I earned an M.A. in medieval and ancient studies which has not, as yet, been utilized! My interest in Etruria has been long standing, with books on its culture and arts accumulating for years. They are indeed a "mystery people" and I hope to learn much more by interaction here on this site. I hope I can feel brave enough to venture some salient points now and then. My Latin is rusty, and I trust no one will be offended if I make a mistake. Message: Me Author: Zilach - Maatibre Hatshepsut, Patron Date: Jun 15, 2000 09:17 I'm an artist and scholar. American. *smile* I love the art of Etruria and that's what sparked off my interest. I have studied a bit about the Greeks and the Romans. My main interest in Egypt right now, and that's where you'll mainly find me. What happens is I get attracted to the art and then I am sucked right into wanting to know more about the culture. I'm hoping that process will have time to happen with the Etruscans soon. I have found that studying Etruria difficult because of the lack of resources very often. It's like trying to study women artists. *smile* Message: Camitlnas Tullius Author: Lauchum - Camitlnas Tullius, Patron Date: Jun 12, 2000 22:26 Well I'll jump right in at the deep end and tell you a little bit about myself. I am 44, male, born in Scotland, but have lived in Australia for the last 18 years. I am married and have two teenage sons. Professionally, I am a Safety Health and Environment Manager. My job regularly takes me to Africa and South America among other places. (I am still working on the possibility of a trip via Rome at some stage) My interests include Amateur Theatre ( I still occasionally do some acting, and this has even extended to singing roles in local opera productions), IRC chat (mainly #Quiz and #Scotland channels where I hold weekly Quiz sessions), and of course ancient history. My main interests in Ancient History are (first and foremost) the Etruscans, but also Ancient Egypt, The Hittites, and Anglo Saxon history and literature. Languages: As you can see from the following, I have quite an interest in languages. I believe that a language captures a certain amount of the soul of a nation or people, and in many ways can describe alternative and sometimes very different ways of thinking from one's own. I have a basic knowledge of Coptic and can read Demotic and some Heiritic and Heiroglyphic script. I can read Anglo Saxon manuscripts with difficulty. I am working on my Etruscan :) Although I excelled at Latin in school, I have unfortunately forgotten a great deal of it. Apart from English, I speak French and Scottish Gaelic fluently. I speak basic Swahili (currently trying to make that fluent), Mandarin Chinese, German and smatterings of Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, and I can read Arabic. This year I intend to make a start on Spanish for business purposes. Ok - who's next :)