The false Great Warrior AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: Etruscan Madness Topic Editor: Tuscus Sempronius Topic Description: For all those postings from the right side of the ... Email this post to a friend! Message: The false Great Warrior Author: - Melisa Alexandros Date: Jan 19, 2000 00:43 Before he was born, he wanted to be Etruscan... By little parts his fathers built him: the arm too long, the torax too short. He felt pain when his fathers deliberately fragmented him and he kept the memory of his lost thumb. He had his great hour, and through many years he threw his invisible spear through the astonished spaces. (Based on the false etruscan statue that was accomplished in the second decade of the XX century by four italian youths) Next: Posted in Historia ( - Camitlnas Tullius ) Previous: Diversion from work I should have been doing . . . ( Sleepless - Tuscus Sempronius )