Romans are from Mars- Etruscans are from Maris AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: The Glory Days Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: The height of Etruscan powe... Email this post to a friend! Message: Romans are from Mars- Etruscans are from Maris Author: Lauchum - Camitlnas Tullius, Patron Date: Nov 9, 2000 15:32 I wrote this title to inspire some further discussion and views. I will elaborate only to the extent that I explain the meaning. According to Roman legend, the Romans themselves were descended from Mars, the god of war, and father of the legendary founder Romulus. War was important all through the Romans' history. They were a warlike people and proud of it. It was only when they had conquered large tracts of other lands and demanded tribute from those areas that they started to build an incredible wealth. Their wealth was throughwar and conquest. The Etruscan god Maris was originally the god of Agriculture. The Etruscans' wealth base was originally through trading of metals and agricultural products. Their "legendary" wealth was based on trade. If we recall the sack of Rome by the Celts in the 4th Century, the Celtic chieftain Brennus was amazed at how little gold Rome could offer by way of ransom. They lost interest and started to plunder the remaining Etruscan cities to their great detriment. (Actually many of the Etruscan cities were hit first). We also read of the reluctance by the Roman peoples to rebuild Rome and preference by some to occupy the deserted city of Veii instead. Comments ? Next: Spina ( etruscomaniacally - tanaquil Lupus ) Previous: Used Map in my Homepage- Thanks Carmine ( Grateful - Camitlnas Tullius )