Re: Spirit Boat AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: Etruscan Views on Death Topic Editor: Fabrisia Fabius Topic Description: quote from D. H. Lawrence's 'Etruscan Places' pub.... Email this post to a friend! Message: Re: Spirit Boat Author: Lauchum - Camitlnas Tullius, Patron Date: Nov 22, 2000 04:04 Wow! if you have a digital camera, I'm sure we would like to see a picture of that Tanaquil. It sounds like it belongs to the archaic age. I have seen so many pictures of drinking flasks in the shape of animals and birds - askos I believe is the term - they are also meant to look like fabric drinking bags and often have a textured surface. As has been said before, and reflected in some of Velthur's postings, the Etruscan view of death seemed to change dramatically from the 4th century onwards. That is why we have in the 7th and 6th century such exhuberant frescos depicting the outside world, sometimes with the scene changing to indoors without any barriers (eg the Hunting and Fishing Tomb) - Contrast that to the scornful bitter expression of the pictures from the Tomba dell'Orco, and the numbed expression on the face of Vel Saties, (accompanied by his son?) in the Francois Tomb as he releases a bird to observe its flight and presumably predict some drear future for the Etruscans. The symbolism plainly conveys a sense of foreboding for the generations to come. Anyway I digress :) I will be scanning some of these pictures kindly sent from Tarquinia by Velthur during December. Previous: Etruscan spirit boat ( musician - tanaquil Lupus )