Revitalizing Etruria AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: Business and Suggestions Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: This is the place to post ... Email this post to a friend! Message: Revitalizing Etruria Author: - Tuscus Sempronius, Patron Date: Aug 31, 1999 09:38 Hello, everyone. I'm posting this at homesites too, in the hope of reaching more of us, and drawing us back to Etruria, even if it's just to see what's going on. I'm hoping the following list will ignite some of the creativity smouldering in us, or get us to generate our own ideas, and play with the most appealing ones. Several ideas/suggestions for Etruria: 1. An Etruscan city for Virtual Rome would be a good group project, as Nesnut has pointed out. Suggestions for a particular city? 2. An Etruria FAQ, linked from the Etruria site itself, with a graphic that everyone at Etruria could copy to their homepage. That way, newcomers and visitors could find out more about the Etruscans more easily. Reading through our increasingly large volume of postings can give a fragmented picture, besides being time consuming. The FAQ could also be linked to number 3 below. 3. A more general Etruscan Archive/Museum/Library. Here we could contribute short paragraphs on our areas of interest, pictures/images, art, poetry, speculation, etc. This may be a matter of editing/expanding a previous posting, devising a graphic, sending a scanned image, asking a question, commenting on materials already assembled, contributing an interesting link from the Web, offering a book review, etc. Again, we could develop a graphic which we could each link to from our webpages. Then we could follow the progress of the project more readily, as well as check one central location if we had a question, or wanted to refer someone else to resources. Also, just surfing through things Etruscan is a pleasure itself. 4. In the interest of pure silliness: an Etruscan limerick contest. "There once was a lauchum from Chiusi . . ." 5. "Etruscans in the news": someone could monitor journal and newspaper articles, TV programs, etc., alerting us to new material, which we could add to our archives. 6. Etruscan Full Moon Feasts: maybe the Etruscans worshipped a moon god/dess as some suggest; maybe not. But it could be fun for as many of us as possible to assemble at Etruria once a month for chat, gossip, news, speeches, poetry, song, FUN. We could host it at anyone's page who has chat access. 7. Clarification of the electoral process for new leaders. Yearly or twice yearly elections? Votes of confidence?! Ritualization of the whole process? Who would like to offer sacrifice and take the auguries?! I hope to begin following through on some of these within the next week. Comments, suggestions, reactions? Tuscus Next: A veritable feast of food for thought ( Physician - Galen Romulus ) Previous: New Leader, Fresh Blood ( Maatibre - Nesnut Hatshepsut )