Corrections/Background on Rasna (Etruscan) League AncientSites >Rome > Groups >Etruria New Vines "Products Contest" with $500 in Prizes! Places To Go!Today's PostsRomeAthensEgyptBabylonTaraMachuPicchuNewYorkAncientSitesSite MapAncientVine Rome Board Index | Rome Daily Posts Board: Etruria Topic: Business and Suggestions Topic Editor: Nesnut Hatshepsut Topic Description: This is the place to post ... Email this post to a friend! Message: Corrections/Background on Rasna (Etruscan) League Author: T. Sempr. - Tuscus Sempronius Date: Jan 25, 1999 13:15 (2 corrections to my earlier postings: Veii is not a port city; the League apparently centered around Volsinii/Orvieto, though Norc(h)ia is mentioned elsewhere as a shrine connected with the League--still checking that one). From Luisa Banti, "The Etruscan Cities and Their Culture" (U. Calif. Press, 1973), pp. 206-207: One of the basic points of reference accepted by modern scholars ... is the existence of an Etruscan confederation of 12 cities ... But it is unlikely that such a league was able to unite the Etruscans for any length of time -- even superficially. The cities were much too individualistic, jealous and constantly bickering with each other to support the same political or religious structure for very long, especially if they had to submit to the command of an individual from some other city ... According to Livy, in 403 B.C. the king of Veii asked that he be elected presiding priest of the festivals ... He was not elected and out of spite withdrew the actors, who were his slaves, and spoiled the festival ... Scholars think that some inscriptions, which refer to a "zilath mechl rasnal," interpreted as "zilath of the Etruscan people," may be an echo of this union. This league is supposed to have had its centre in a sanctuary of Voltumna ... The sanctuary was probably in southern Etruria. From Ellen McNamara, THE ETRUSCANS (British Museum, 1990), p. 65: The Etruscans were united by their common language and religion and each year it seems representatives from the twelve cities of Etruria met at the shrine of Voltumna near Orvieto for a religious festival, games and a great fair, when mutual affairs could be discussed. Next: Names/roleplay ( T. Sempr. - Tuscus Sempronius ) Previous: I picked one! ( Nesithva Hathisna - Nesnut Hatshepsut )